Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cole at 12 Months

Cole is a year old!  The last twelve months have passed so quickly- I can't believe his birthday is already here.  

Cole is our little spitfire.  He is quick to laugh, quick to lose his temper, and keeps us on our toes always.  He spends a lot of time trying to climb things/climb out of things, escape contained areas, throw himself off of tall things, put foreign objects in his mouth, you name it.  Recently he climbed out of his car seat and dove face first onto the pavement from the 4Runner... Mercifully he was completely fine other than a nose scrape but I think it took ten years off my life.

For someone so adept at climbing, surprisingly Cole still prefers crawling as his mode of transportation.  He took his first steps about a month ago and now he'll take up to 5 steps at a time when encouraged, but unless there's an audience waiting to applaud, he doesn't bother.

This little dude fuels his high-energy days by eating us out of house and home.  He's still drinking five bottles a day but also regularly eating more food than Brady at meals.

Cole is as affectionate as he is energetic and loves to be hugged, kissed and held.    He'll crawl up for an embrace and then race off to wreak havoc somewhere, only to return a few minutes later for another kiss.  

It's hard to remember our lives without this feisty little boy.  Happy birthday, sweet Cole!