Sunday, October 31, 2010

They Say It's Your Birthday

We were thrilled to welcome Brady Lleyton Young on Sunday, October 3rd at 5:02am.  He apparently likes to make a grand entrance because he was a week late and started the process on Thursday, September 30th.   Because labor took so long and my epidural only worked on the right side of my body, leading the doctors to offer me alternative sleep aids/painkillers, Brady was born with what I can only assume was a wicked Ambien/Stadol/Fentanyl hangover, though he showed no signs of it.  At birth, Brady weighed in at 9 lbs, 8 oz and was 22 inches long, proving that my recurring nightmare wherein I gave birth to a giant was not totally unfounded. 

Welcome to the world, sweet boy!


  1. Yay!! welcome to the blogosphere, Brady! Can't wait to follow your adventures! :)

  2. Yeah so excited to see the posts. He is perfect, I'm just sad I haven't seen him in person :( Sorry the epidural was kind of a mess! Hope you are better about updating the blog than I am, I look forward to to keeping up with you guys!!

  3. Welcome to the world, Brady! I love the blog so far, and I'm so excited we can be blogging buddies, Lori :). Love the header at the top, too!
