Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brady at 2 Months

Brady had his two-month pediatrician visit yesterday, and I can report with complete certainty that he is not a fan of shots, nor is he a fan of oral vaccines and the nurses who administer them.  Things started off very smoothly with a visit to the scale, where he smiled at Nurse Jaclyn and allowed her to weigh him (12 lbs, 10 ounces) and measure him (23.75 inches), but later the relationship turned very, very sour.   

At two months, we are having fun watching Brady's personality begin to emerge.  He is smiling, cooing and even doing a little chuckling, confirming my long held belief that I am hilarious.  His sense of humor does seem to be a bit dark, though - his favorite bit of mine is one in which I repeatedly threaten in a raspy voice to eat him. 

Around 5:00pm every day, our happy little guy enters what we refer to as his 'witching hour', and if he's not eating, he's fussing.  'Witching hour' is a bit of a misnomer because it usually lasts until 8:00pm.  On the upside, Brady is probably helping me move toward my pre-pregnancy weight much more quickly, since we don't exactly get to linger over dinner these days.  Once the witching hour wraps up, he sleeps like a champ and usually only wakes up once during the night.

It's hard to believe two months have already flown by!  Our next visit with the pediatrician comes at four months.  I'm guessing Nurse Jaclyn will not endear herself any more to Brady at that appointment. 

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