Monday, April 2, 2012

Brady at 18 Months

I'm just going to go ahead and skip the 16 and 17 month posts... as it turns out I am not so great at blogging.  Bad mom. 

Speaking of bad mothering, Brady recently rode home from a lunch out in nothing but a cloth diaper fashioned into a tube top because his diaper leaked (big time) and I still haven't learned that you should ALWAYS have a spare outfit in your diaper bag.  Sadly, this experience taught me nothing because the very next night he rode home from our favorite Mexican restaurant in the same getup.  At least I get a few points for teaching him to love books - even girly books from Target's dollar section. 

In other news, Brady is talking up a storm and his vocabulary is expanding daily.  Among his favorite new words is 'vacuum', which he loves to shout at me while I am - you guessed it - vacuuming.  He has plenty of opportunity to practice this one because I have to vacuum daily thanks to someone in our family who has a seemingly limitless amount of yellow hair to spare.  Despite his offensive shedding, I think we'll keep him - he's such a sweet boy.

Another new word - hat.  Used to request his own hat occasionally, but more often used to request Bryan's hat and/or sunglasses. 

Brady's collection of animal sounds has grown to include monkey, horse, duck, and kitty.  His body part identification now includes pointing to his hand, thanks to the book 'How Big is Baby Elmo?', which I have read no fewer than 800 times.  I kid, but I'm thrilled at how much Brady loves reading.  Another of his new phrases is 'read it'... usually referring to the same book over and over AND OVER again, but that's okay.  There's not much I'd rather do than hang out with my favorite little boy, finding out how big baby Elmo is.  Spoiler alert - 'SOOOOOOOOO big!'. 

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