Sunday, February 9, 2014

Colton at Two Months

It's already hard to imagine our life before Cole.  What did I do between 5:00pm and 10:00pm when I wasn't holding/feeding a screaming baby?  ;). Despite his long witching hour, we wouldn't trade this guy.  Once he wraps up his wailing, he sleeps like a champ, usually falling asleep at 10:00 and waking anywhere from 6-9 hours later.  He's sweet, mellow and loves to smile- even chuckling a little sometimes.  He's happy to ride along to all Brady's social engagements and doesn't mind the car seat.  Speaking of Brady, Cole seems to think he's pretty great- he always has big smiles for Brady and loves to hear his voice.  The newest development in Cole's world is the discovery of his hands.  Several times a day he gives them a good examination to make sure they haven't changed.  So far he hasn't taken to thumb sucking the way his big brother did (and still does!), but it wouldn't surprise me if it happened soon.  For now he likes a pacifier but can't always keep it from falling out, to his great annoyance.  #babyproblems, right?

Brady and Cole, two months.  I don't see any resemblance anymore!  These photos make Cole look bigger than Brady was at the same age, but at 11 lbs 4 oz, Cole is almost 2 lbs smaller.  He makes up for it in height and head circumference though- 23.5 inches and 15.75 inches, respectively.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely still see a little resemblance! Can't believe there's a two pound difference! Wow!
