Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 4th

This year was Brady's first time attending the Nova Court July 4th Extravaganza!  When we bought our house, the selling agent touted this party as a selling point, and it does not disappoint.  Every year, our friend and neighbor Madelyn (the Yankee Doodle Queen of Nova Court) organizes a really fun day for the kids (and grown ups too!).  Brady spent most of his time watching the action (which included a bounce house, snowcone machine, and water slide).

Sabine and Coco, official snowcone quality testers

Some grown ups also enjoy the slide.

Brady squeezed in a little pool time with his friends Coco and Sebastian.

That night, we had a huge potluck dinner and dessert, and then the kids piled onto our next door neighbors' driveway to watch a movie projected onto the garage door.  Overall, I'd say Brady's first July 4th was a success... he can't wait until he can slide with the big kids!

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